Are you searching for the best preschool in Kothrud Pune for your quickly growing child? Blue Bells preschool is precisely what your child needs! Right from exciting preschool activities to nurturing children in the safest, affectionate, and hygienic environment, we’ve got everything to ensure the right and sustainable child growth and development.
At Blue Bells, we understand children and child psychology.
- We understand what it needs to develop competence in the long run, and hence, we’ve prepared our preschool curriculum with the help of child psychology experts. So, when it comes to preschool education, we leave no stone unturned!
- We aim at holistic and sustainable development through a blend of conventional and modern-day preschool activities.
- Our preschool activities foster reactive thinking abilities and problem-solving skills in a fun, exciting, yet relaxing manner. They ensure that the child remains active throughout the day. However, at the same time, we make sure that we don’t exhaust the child’s energy!
Love, care, and affection are the three most important things every child needs. At Blue Bells, we acknowledge this fact, and hence, nurture children in the most loving and the best possible manner.
- Our trainers and staff are mature, loving, and caring enough to keep every child happy.
- We’ve employed webcams throughout the premises to keep children safe and secure.
- The food we give children is cooked in a safe, controlled, and hygienic environment.
- We always keep children in a group, so that they never isolate themselves, or feel left out.
- We ensure children get enough rest during the day, so that stay active when you meet them.
- Lastly, you don’t have to worry about your child while at work. So, you stay relaxed!
So, don’t just settle with just another preschool in Kothrud Pune, enroll your child with the best preschool in Kothrud Pune. Let your child learn with Blue Bells!
A loving, secure and hygienic sphere. A unique blend of teachers and assistants who are warm and caring. We lay special emphasis on good habits and etiquettes.
Indeed, toddler years are a time of great cognitive, emotional and social development. We are thoughtful about our approach to education, nutrition, and naptime.We also care about every meal your child eats and every concept your child endures.
Every infant's brain is like a sponge and has a huge potential of accepting environmental surroundings. We believe that a child can learn much better and faster if it is not forced on.
निषाद 1 वर्षाचा असल्यापासून सीमा ताई च्या day care ला जातो आहे . आता जवळपास पाच वर्षे झाली . तिथे जायला लागल्या पासून निषाद ला खुप चांगल्या सवयी लागल्या . जेवणाच्या , स्वच्छतेच्या , सगळ्यां बरोबर मिळून मिसळून राहण्या च्या तसेच art-craft , drawing , cooking अश्या वेगवेगळ्या गोष्टी ची पण आवड लागली ...विविध पदार्थ आवडीने खाऊ लागला . त्याला खुप नवीन गोष्टी शिकायला मिळाल्या. सीमा ताई स्वतः प्रत्येक गोष्टी मध्ये लक्ष देतात . मुलांचे जेवण , खेळणे , झोपणे यासर्व गोष्टी कडे त्यांचे लक्ष असते . मुलांना पूरक आणि चौरस आहार देणे , विविध नवीन खेळ किंवा activity घेणे, स्वच्छता , मुलांना चांगल्या सवयी या बाबतीत त्या सतत आग्रही असतात . सीमा ताई च्या day care सगळे सण खुप उत्साहाने पार पाडले जातात . सगळ्या मुलांना त्यामध्ये सामील करून घेतले जाते . सीमा ताई चे प्रत्येक मुला बरोबर अतिशय प्रेमाचे नाते आहे . तसेच मुलांना पण प्रत्येक गोष्ट सीमा ताई ला सांगायची असते . जर कुठल्या मुलाला बरं वाटतं नसेल तर त्याचं औषध , जेवण , झोप या सगळ्या गोष्टी कड़े त्यांचे लक्ष असते . आमच्या सारख्या working parents साठी सीमा ताई चे day care म्हणजे दुसरे घर च आहे .
Sayali Bhide
I have seen so much of progress in him...she keeps me updated very regularly about his progress the way he eats food (he being a fussy eater)...we as parents are so relaxed , that our boy is in good hands...we can concentrate on work without worrying abt him...i always give the credits of my promotions to seema, coz of her i can concentrate on my work n progress...i do not need to worry abt my son...he just likes her so much that even on weekends he misses her...thank u so much seema kaku for being the best n lovable most seema kaku to vivan. Vivan's Mother
Seemah kaku has loving and caring attitude. She takes care of him affectionately. Due to this, he is fond of his seemah kaku. They share a very special bond.
Ambar kadkol's Grandfather
Seemah kaku has groomed my daughter into a disciplined and independent individual. Also she ensures that children's creativity is enhanced and energy is channelised through various games and activities. These activities also enhance children's awareness.
Mughdha's Mother
My daughter is a part of Seemah kaku's Blue bellss family for last 3 years now.
Asmi Ashtkar's Father
My daughter was 1.5 years old when we joined Seemah kaku. Since then the journey has been fabulous.
Spruha chaudhary's Mother
A warm and loving environment for your child. A place to share, learn and grow where facilities are designed like home to feel like a home, because your little ones deserve it. Visit our Day Care to acquire best services.
Call us +91 9960 18 5007 / 9172 73 0066
Bungalow No-6 Arundhati, vishwa laxmi society, Mayur Colony, Kothrud,Pune-411038